Principles: TSH

Four parameters regulate TSH (in the mathematical model (ref.1)):
k21 – (positive feedforward of TRH onto TSH (downstream, activating)),
c2 – (the secretory capacity constant),
k234 -negative feedback of FT4 and FT3 onto TSH (upstream, repressing) and
a2 – (the TSH elimination rate constant.).

Be aware that the colours for the hormones are different in the rows below.

Positive feedforward of TRH onto TSH (downstream, activating)):

Level compared to the equilibrium calculation

Negative feedback of FT4 and FT3 onto TSH (upstream, repressing)

The TSH elimination rate constant.

The secretory capacity constant

Only examples of the effect of the parameter –

  1. Hoermann R, Pekker MJ, Midgley JEM, Larisch R and Dietrich JW (2022) Principles of Endocrine Regulation: Reconciling Tensions Between Robustness in Performance and Adaptation to Change. Front. Endocrinol. 13:825107. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.825107

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